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SEEOOC Regatta was originally conceived as a regional competition that would enable young sailors from Serbia to experience world-class sailing conditions and competition.

From our perspective as the organizers, the tremendous effort to organize and improve SEEOOC paid off.

We became an internationally recognized regatta, supported by IODA, World Sailing, and many national sailing associations.

The Umpire Organization, EUROSAF, supports us every year by enabling participation of several world-class umpires, who have improved the sport tremendously in the last ten years.

We would also like to thank the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Serbia, which recognized the role of SEEOOC Regatta in the development of sailing in Serbia and as such has been supporting us for 10 years.

Of course, our thanks go to the Sailing Association of Serbia, the Sailing Association of Vojvodina, as well as the city of Subotica, without whose support we would not be celebrating a 10th year anniversary of SEEOOC.

Finally, our deepest gratitude goes to the children, sportsmen and women, who have been participating in our Regatta year after year, always bringing joy, laughter, and satisfaction with them.

In the name of the Organizing Committee, we wish to all competitors, umpires, coaches, clubs, and officials a successful and wonderful stay this year at Palic.


SEEOOC Regata je osmišljena kao regionalno takmičenje koje bi mladim jedriličarima iz Srbije približilo svetski nivo jedrenja na najlakši mogući način.

Za nas, organizatore ove regate, ogroman napor da održimo i unapredimo SEEOOC je urodio plodom.

Postali smo poznata regata na svetskom nivou, podržani od IODA, World Sailing i asocijacija mnogih država.

Sudijska organizacija EUROSAF nam svake godine omogućava učešće vrhunskih sudija, koji su tokom proteklih deset godina unapredili naš sport na najbolji mogući način.

Zahvalnost upućujemo i Ministarstvu omladine i sporta Republike Srbije, koje je prepoznalo ogroman uticaj Seeooc Regatte na razvoj jedriličarskog sporta u Srbiji i koje nas podržava vec 10 godina.
Naravno, zahvalnost ide i matičnoj organizaciji Jedriličarskom savezu Srbije, Jedriličarskom savezu Vojvodine, kao i gradu Subotici, bez čije podrške jubilarnog 10 SEEOOC ne bi bilo.

Najviše zahvalnosti upućujemo deci, sportistima, koji su godinama uzimali učešće u našoj regati i od nje napravili radost, osmeh i zadovoljstvo.

U ime Organizacionog odbora svim takmičarima, sudijama, trenerima, klubovima i zvaničnicima želimo da Vam svima bude uspešan i lep ovogodišnji boravak na Paliću.

                                             N O T I C E    B O A R D   /     O B A V E Š T E Nj A


                                  1.  The official opening is scheduled  for 10.30 on 06.05.2016. in  front of Sailing Club Palic

                           Svečano otvaranje se zakazuje u 10.30h  06.05.2016 ispred prostorija Jedriličarskog kluba Palić


2 Started the first race, it started ten jubilee of SEEOOC

Počela je prva trka, i time je otvoreno i deseto jubilarno SEEOOC-e.



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